The Gentle Giant: Part One
This suite was written as a tribute to the late, great trumpeter/composer/arranger Kenny Wheeler. I was lucky to have had…
The Gentle Giant: Part Two (Chorale)
This suite was written as a tribute to the late, great trumpeter/composer/arranger Kenny Wheeler. I was lucky to have had…
Gentle Giant: Part Three
This suite was written as a tribute to the late, great trumpeter/composer/arranger Kenny Wheeler. I was lucky to have had…
The Gentle Giant: Full Suite
This suite was written as a tribute to the late, great trumpeter, composer & arranger Kenny Wheeler. I was lucky to…
Gil (For Gil Evans)
A 3/4 ballad-like composition written as a tribute to the wonderful Gil Evans. This composition is also on the recording…
A rather angular, straight 8ths vamp like tune, reminiscent of some of Wayne Shorter’s music. It can also be head…
A rather angular, straight 8ths vamp like tune, reminiscent of some of Wayne Shorter’s music. It can also be head…
Spring Sprung In
This composition has been recorded by myself and others on many releases. This version features a chorale opening into an…
This is a through-composed composition that features tenor saxophone, guitar and alto saxophone. Yet to be recorded. Parts included: [av_one_half…
Rise Up
This is a relatively easy to play straight 8th composition. It features piano, guitar, alto and bass. Yet to be…
It’s Hugh or It’s Nolan
This composition as well as Lennie's Loonies are Tristano influenced contrafacts that are particularly challenging for the Alto and Tenor…
Lennie’s Loonies
This composition as well as It's Hugh or No One are Tristano influenced contrafacts that are particularly challenging for the…